Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Home was fun!!

So I had fun at home. I am glad mom paid for my gas to get home. I got to hang out with my mom and Grason and Kaitlyn. That was the best. Got some good pics of us all.

Got home Fri afternoon. Stopped at Jen's. She had no clue I was even coming home. The garage was open, so I walked right in. Didin't see anyone, so I went straight to Grason's room. Sure enough, he was there. Sucking his thumb, wide awake in the corner. So I picked him up and started walking out to see where Jen was. I knew they were home...1 cuz Grason was there, and 2 their cars were both there.

Grason started crying, so Jen quickly came to see what was up. That was fun. Apparently he is starting to enter the stage where he only wants his mommy. It is so cute to see him interact with us all now. I love him so much, and I miss him so much more.

So, I packed him up, and went to the office. I told mom I would call her before I left, but she knows me better than that. I showed up without calling. Hehehe...evil me!!

She was happy. Even funnier, she called me a little stinker for going and getting Grason first. Hehehe evil strikes again! Hehehe :)

So, not much happened on Fri, but Saturday we went to Yakima to put flowers on all my mother's family graves. Almost all her family is gone. She is the only one who puts flowers out. Too bad, that her family that is left, doesn't care. I love going out there. I love learning about my family history. Matter of fact, one of my favorite hobbies is ancestry. I have looked really deep into my family history in the past, but since nursing school, have put it on hold. I need to get started again.

Had a BBQ on Saturday with my grandparents, and brother/sister-in-law and Kaitlyn. that was fun. Lazy day on Sunday, then had to come home. Got to work on Memorial Day. I say got to work cuz I got paid holiday pay...NICE! I love making extra money for no reason.

So, heading back again Thursday night after work. Jackie's bridal shower is this weekend. But I will be back for my run on Sunday, and my bball game Sunday as well. But don't have to go back to work till Wednesday. Then, Helvetia Half Marathon on Saturday June 10th.

I haven't ran in over a week though, so I need to get out there tonight, and get a good run in tonight, tomorrow and Thursday. I am really hoping to get a run in Fri or Sat too, but I doubt that will happen. Never does while I am home. I was supposed to run 11 miles this weekend, but I never got my BIG butt out of bed early enough. Just don't get good sleep while I am home, so that stinks. Oh well. I will get back on track.

This is a pic of Grason starting to learn to crawl. Isn't he a cutie?

Grason is the cutest. He's gonna be a heartbreaker when he gets older. Everything he does is just so cute!!

Me and Grason.

This is a pic of me and Kaitlyn. She is starting to smile, but I couldn't get any smiling pics. She just likes to blow bubbles. They have nicknamed her "Bubbles".

Dad and Kaitlyn.

Mom and Grason. I did her make-up that day. Doesn't she look good??

This is a pic Matt/Ashley took at home of Kaitlyn smiling.

Grason had so much fun with the dogs, and the dogs loved him. They would lick him, and he just giggled. It was so cute.

I was trying to get Kailtyn to smile, but she just kept looking at me, so this is what I got.

Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm coming home!

Mom called. She wanted to know if I was coming home this weekend. I hadn't planned on it. For several reasons.
1. I have a big run this weekend, and I need to do it. I hate missing the runs.
2. Charlie. I have no one to watch him, and he is VERY important.
3. $$. I have none. It costs lots of money to go home, mostly in gas, and I am going home the next weekend for my best friend's bridal shower.
So, I called them back, told them they were welcome to come visit me. They said they would think about it.
I got a call this morning...
"I'll pay for gas, if you come home"
I made sure all my other things were covered. No softball this weekend, so I didn't have to worry about that.
"What about Charlie?"
"He can come"
"And he will be loved, and welcome?"
So, I am packing up and heading home. Better to spend a few days off with my parents, and my neice and nephew. I miss them all terribly. I can't wait to give Grason a BIG hug. When I talk to him on the phone, he smiles big, and then tries to find me. He doesn't realize I am in the little box his mother his holding up to his ear. He just hears me, and starts looking all over for me. At least, that is what Jen tells me!! Either way...I get to see him again. I can't wait...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hike anyone?


I went to Multonomah Falls on Wednesday to go hiking. It was fun! I first took Charlie. We went up to the first bridge by the falls, and started up the steep trail to the top. Charlie wanted to stop and see everyone and smell everything (of course- he is a dog). He did really good, but I didn't want to go too far, then end up having to carry him down, so I turned around, and decided he was done.

It was a fairly nice day, so leaving him in the car was not an option. I knew I wanted to hike today, and I had no clue how long I would be hiking. So I took him home.

Yes, I traveled the 45 min drive back home, to drop him off, then went back. By the time I got back it was about 3. There were less people there, but still pretty warm and still very sunny. It was nice. So I trekked up to the top of the falls. It was beautiful. It was also, the hardest thing I have done yet. It was very steep, and I had to keep stopping. Not longer than a sec or two, but seemed I stopped very frequently. I made it though. Once I got to the top and took in the views, I decided I would keep going. So I hikied another couple miles beyond the top of the falls. It was fun.

I hiked a total of 6 miles without Charlie, and with him...about 1.5 miles. So I figure, close to 7.5 miles of hiking. It was fun though. I am really glad I went.

I have been wanting to get out more, become more active. Plus, I need to learn to do things on my own, or I will never get out. Nor will I ever meet people. So I did it. I survived. I will go again.

Now, the ext couple days...I was hurting really bad. I just had a general ache all over my body. Thursday night was the hardest. It was between 24 and 36 hours post-hike. Always the hardest for me, as far as pain (the good pain though). So Thursday and Friday at work were interesting. Friday, started feeling better, but still felt a little hitch-in-my-get-along.

Today, however, was my ten miler. Surprisingly, felt great. Had a few moments of complete exhaustion, wasn't sure I would make it, but by the end, I was ready to be done-yet still feeling like I could go more if I needed to!

Nice walk in the evening with Charlie, and I am feeling great now. Next up, softball game tomorrow after work. I might even plan another hike this week or next.

I might even think about going camping. There is a relatively "safe" state park someone at work was telling me about. I could pitch a tent, and go camping for a short weekend. Bring Charlie as my "bodyguard" of course! Hehehe

Here are a few pics...

This is Charlie trekking along ahead of me. I think he had a blast. He looked pretty pooped in the car, on the ride home...as seen in the next photo.

A very friendly couple asked me take their photo, and offered to take mine as well. This is me at the top of the falls. I know it is hard to see me, due to the sunny nature of the day. Imagine a gorgeous brunette smiling in the sun.

Self-portrait, with some pretty scenery in the background. It truely was a beautiful day, and so peaceful up there. I didn't see a soul on the trail once I got passed the top of the falls. Just me and nature.


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Batter Up!!

So softball season starts now. I joined a parks and rec league. I just wanted something fun to do, so I joined a non-competitive league. I haven't met anyone yet, but we will have a practice before our first game on Sunday night. I can't wait.

I also get my Charlie back. I have gotten everything ready for him. I washed his bed, I cleaned his toys, got food/water ready for him. He is set. He even has some bones in his basket of toys, he will be very happy about that. He loves his bones! It feels like a lifetime away from me. I cannot wait to get him home.

Bloomsday is Sunday. Running 9 miles with pfit tomorrow, headed to TC to get Kat, then off to Spokane. Then, after Bloomsday, back to TC to drop off Kat, get my puppy, and get home in time to play some ball. I think I will take Charlie with me to the field, so I can get him out and walk around with him while I am not playing. I am sure that will be fun!!

I ordered a mit, and some shoes, but I haven't gotten either of them yet. I did however get a package in the mail today. I am hoping it is my mit. I can do without the shoes for a game. Jen is letting me have one of Joel's old bats. So I am all set.

Batter Up!!