Monday, December 31, 2007


We closed on our first condo purchase on Friday. Went smooth. We started moving stuff in, but Saturday was our first night in the new place.

Also, had some house guests. Shaun's Dad and sister came to visit, and celebrate Christmas.

That was nice.

Down side...I got sick.

So I spent most of the time they were here in bed/on the couch. I wish I had felt better, to be a better host, but at least they understood.

Today (New Year's Eve) I worked, but totally should not have. I hate calling in sick. Of course, lesson learned. I got the losing end of that deal. Oh well. Next time I will just call in, relax, and get well. I will not worry about what is happening at the hospital and how much trouble I caused by calling in sick. Shaun said goodbye to our houseguests then went and did all the cleaning at the apt., turned in the keys, and bid farewell to rent. Woohoo!!

We are super excited. We also got some new furniture and are working on getting things put away and some decorative stuff on the walls! I will post some pics once that has happened. Of course, if you want to see pics, refer back to a previous post. There are about 5-6 good pics of our place, just with the old owner's things in it.

Have a Happy New Year! I hope 2008 is great for everyone! We plan to have a nice dinner, cuddle on the couch (while I fall asleep- I am so exhausted from being sick and working all day), maybe watch a movie, and ring in the new year!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas 2007

We are home in WA visiting my family. I came here on Dec 11, and Shaun got to come out Dec 20th. We are having a ton of fun. Mostly getting shopping done and trying to get it all done BEFORE Christmas gets here. Of course, we are also enjoying the vacation part as well, and taking many naps and just lounging around.
We have gotten to see many of friends. I wish we could see everyone, but I know with the holidays, everyone has their own family to see. Grrr. Just kidding.
Some plans for is baking day. Promised Mom I would help out with the baking since I eat most of them. :) Then, some last minute shopping, we still have a couple things to buy. Hmmm, then what? I guess just more relaxing and enjoying this wonderful holiday season.
I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and the best New Year ever!!
When we head back to MD on the 27th and close on our first condo purchase. Of ocurse we have to move into it too so I won't be writing for a week or two. Will write again as soon as possible.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I have a job!!!

So, I had been thinking hard about what to do next. I wasn't sure I wanted to take another travel assignment, or work as an agency nurse, or become staff somewhere. For weeks nothing sounded like a good job for me. Of course I would have done another travel assignment if I hadn't found something that I really wanted to do.
I have been feeling like I want a change, but I couldn't decide exactly what that was, until this idea came into my mind. I thought about going on to get my bachelor's degree, but I don't think I am ready to commit to school just yet. I thought about getting a certification in Critical Care. I am pursuing that, but it didn't fulfill that want for change.
So a couple weeks ago, I was checking out the local community hospital. This hospital is about 1 block from our new home. I decided to check out the ER job openings. I had been thinking of getting back to the ER lately, so I thought I might apply to this hospital for an ER position. There are several positions open, most of them night shifts. Well, I got a call later that same afternoon for an interview. I was totally excited. I finally felt like I was getting the change that I wanted. So, even if I didn't get this job, I at least knew what change I wanted to make.
Well, I went in for the interview the next week. Met with the HR lady, then met with the administrator of ER. The manager of ER was at a conference, so I met with his boss. They offered me a chance to come shadow a nurse in the ER to find out if this is exactly what I wanted to do. I had worked in the ER before becoming a nurse, but it had been years. All through nursing school I thought I would work in the ER, but sometime during school, I changed to wanting to do Critical Care. Basically knowing it would be a great background, and a great base of knowledge. But, now I am ready to go back.
Yesterday was my shadow day. I arrived at 1pm, and it was very busy. Which is good, because they wanted me to see it "hopping" to know if it is something I feel that I can handle. I had a great day. The nurse I followed was great. She had been a nurse for the same length of time as I, and this was the only place she had worked. Over the last couple weeks when I have been talking about this hospital, I have heard nothing but great things. I knew it would be a good place to work. I personally don't think I needed the shadow, but they like all interviewees to check it out to know for sure.
I met with the manager about half way through, he gave me his spiel, and then told me we would meet again when I was done. I could stay as long as I wanted. I chose to stay 4 hours. Afterward, I went to his office to thank him for allowing me to spend a day in his ER. He asked if it was something that I wanted to do. I said yes, and he said "welcome aboard"
I have a job!!! Woohoo! I feel really good about becoming staff. I don't mind traveling, but since we are staying in Baltimore for a few years...I feel I want to take roots at someplace great. Now, when we decide to move back to the Pacific Northwest, I will have Critical Care and ER nursing under my belt. Looks really good on the resume!!
I start Jan 7 with orientation!! They only do orientation once a month, and all new employees are required to start with hospital orientation before starting on the floor. Good, because it doesn't interrupt my going home next week for Christmas!!
I am so excited!!!