Sunday, January 27, 2008

Unexpected day off

Today I was cancelled. That is the draw back to working agency. One of the reasons I didn't want to work full time there. The first one to get cancelled, and sometimes not another shift somewhere else to replace it with. Grr.
So, today I have off. Which is good, but bad too. I sign up to work extra shifts so we can do extra things. If I don't work then, we have to budget and pinch. I hate that. Oh well. I can pick up another shift another time.
So, today is another lazy day. It is 1:30 and I just took a shower and got dressed. Yeah. Man those are nice. Well, I think we are gonna go to JcPenney. We have a gift card that we got for Christmas that has been burning a hole in our pockets. Hehe!
Starting tomorrow though, another full week of work. If I worked today, it wouldn't have made 6 days in a row and 60 hrs for the week. At least I still have one extra day on Friday.
Maybe I will make it outside to go for a walk. It is almost 40 degrees today, so no excuses!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Flights Booked!

Today I booked my flights for both the wedding and the bridal shower. I am so excited. Wedding is now less than 100 days away. So much to do, so little time left. I have got some great people helping me with my wedding, so I have no doubt that it will turn out great!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wedding is 100 days away!!

Wow, how did that happen. Seems like just yesterday we had 6 months to go, now we are down to 3. Crazy!

I still have so many "little" things to do. I tried calling all my bridesmaids last night to get updates, but they all have lives too. One of my 'maids is in three weddings, all about the same time. That is good and bad. Right now good though, because she is already out and about in all the craft stores. So, she has got some great ideas. I look forward to hearing about them.

We got the place, dress, caterer, the photographer, and all the major stuff. Right now, the only major thing I need to book, is a DJ. He is kind of important. That is my duty. Call. All I need to do is call.

It was nice just to make phone calls last night. I have been so busy and usually asleep by 9 (EST) that I can't call anyone. Yesterday though, I got about an hour nap on the couch before dinner, so come (normal) bedtime, I was able to stay up!

Work in the ER has been great, but tiring. It is very busy, and even more so on your feet all day than working in the ICU. Plus, I am still picking up as many shifts as I can with my agency to make more money. I am greedy. Kidding, we just have so many projects around our new house, that in order to get them done ( and make up for taking 3 weeks off in Dec), I need to work lots extra.

Our new house is great though, we love it. Yeah there are a few things to fix, that we didn't know about, but mostly things like leaky faucet, new toilet gadgets. Paint a wall here and there. We have a TON of ideas, but won't be able to put those ideas to the wall all at once. Takes time. We have to prioritize now. Can't just call up the maintenance guy and they come fix our problem. We have to fix it now. Oh the perks of owning a home.

If you haven't checked out my new blog, please do so. It isn't anything exciting, but I am trying really hard to lose weight, get in shape, and keep moving to be healthier. I would love to have all the support I can get.

I know the last three months just flew by, so I can only imagine these next three will too! So, I will try to keep things posted on here, during my whirlwind of wedding planning!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New blog and new journey

Hi readers!!
This is just a quick post to let you all know I have started a second blog. I will continue to write in this blog about my daily (well bi-weekly lately) life happenings. My new blog is about my weight-loss journey. I will post pictures, statistics, and weigh-ins. I will discuss troubles I am having and overcoming, and different work-outs I have done. Just a way to record my weigh loss journey. Please check it out when you get a chance. I welcome all readers, but please, be kind!!

Let me know if you read it, I like to know who my readers are! Thanks.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Today is my birthday. I had to work, but it was only orientation, so I am home for the evening. Shaun has a great evening planned too. He baked me a chocolate cake, my favorite. Also he is making Lasagna for dinner tonight, which I had requested. After a nice dinner we will open presents and have cake/ice cream. Same way I always celebrated my birthdays when I was home with my family.
Other than that, pretty non-eventful birthday. Last one ever you know. I am 29 now. Isn't that what people try to claim the rest of their lives...."I'm 29" said the 41 year old. Hehe. Well, I really am 29, so I guess this is it.
It is 5:30 pm and I have yet to hear from anyone. NO friends, NO family has called to wish me a happy birthday. I did receive a very short email from one friend. Thanks. I am sure they are all waiting until tonight when they know I will be home...yes I am sure that is what happened. I can't imagine anyone forogt about my birthday. I received one card from my soon-to-be Father-in-law, other than that, no cards either. Yeah, that stinks!

(This wasn't supposed to be a pitty blogpost....I guess it is what it is!)