Saturday, July 29, 2006


Sorry for the delay in posting. I guess nothing exciting has come up recently. However, Charlie has (had) fleas. I came home last night, and Martha (my doggie sitter) pointed them out to me. I know he hasn't had them for long but none-the-less, he has them.
So I went straight to me room, pulled out my dose of "Frontline Plus" and applied. Today, all the fleas are gone. Yeah. I even killed about 5 or 6 last night. I didn't see that many on him. They are not easy to kill. You have to hold tight, and rip them apart with your nails. They don't just squish. Man, those boogers are evil!
This is only the second time he has ever gotten them, but I keep a supply of Frontline handy, just in case.

In other news. Had a great 10 mile run today. I felt great the whole time, which is not typical. Normally after a point I have to push through, but I just kept going, and even felt I could keep going. So next week is the big 30k (18.6 miles) so I am hoping I have a great run then too. At least 3/4 of a great run.
So, nothing too exciting going on in Kathleen's life right now. Headed to visit Mara in a couple weeks...which reminds me. I need to check with Khristina, to see if she will be able to watch Charlie...otherwise...he may have to be here alone. Can't take him with me on the plane.


Jeffrey said...

Glad you're OK.... I've never really thought about it before, but it's kind of freaky how someone you sort of get to know by reading their blog could just drop out one day. Whether it's from something as simple as not wanting to blog anymore or their computer broke and they didn't buy a new one to something as complex as extreme illness or sudden death (car accident, etc.). I'm gloomy sometimes, I know, but I'm glad the only problem has been fleas.

Anonymous said...

I love the description of tearing apart their bodies. Nice. =)