Monday, February 13, 2012

Moving Home!!

On my promise to update more is my first update since Emmalin was born. Her 6 month half-birthday is this Friday. I can't believe my baby girl is already 6 months old. She has brought such joy and happiness to our family. It is evident that her and her brother are very similar, but yet so different. She is very determined and outgoing. We can see it already. I am not sure if she will be mobile before her brother, but its possible. Oliver didn't crawl until 9 months. Walked at 13 months. I guess we will wait and see.
In July 2012, I will be moving home for good. I cannot wait. I am so excited. Shaun will have to stay in MD for another 6 weeks or so, but I will be coming home with the kids in July so I can get a job. We don't want to have a loss of income during this move. Hoping the way we planned it will be as flawless of a transition as it can be with a 1 and 3 year old! My greatest fear is the week and a half we will be "on the road" driving across the country.
So, 5 months and counting!


I know I don't write often, but I just tried to view my blog and it said I had been deleted. I guess I need to post more. Luckily I was able to restore it. Appears there might have been spam associated with it. I don't know. I am thinking I should make this more private. If you are a loyal reader and want to be included in my blog. Just leave me a message. I will be sure to include everyone that wants to. I will try to update more, even if just short blurbs of info!