Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm it!!

Natalie tagged me, so I have to use the letters of my name to things that are important about me.
Here are the rules:
Players- you must list one fact, word or tidbit that is somehow relevant to you life for each letter of your first or middle name.When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your name facts etc. At the end of your blog-post you need to choose one person for each number of letters in your name. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and to read your blog.

Here goes nothing:
K is for Kennewick. I graduated from Kennewick high school is 1997. I missed my high school reunion which was in August because I am in MD, and it is too expensive to fly home that often.
A is for Arts. I was in music growing up. I played the clarinet. I was involved in Marching band (and yes I have many band camp stories), Symphony orchestra, and Wind Ensemble. I loved it. Sometimes I still wish I played, but I am not sure if I still can.
T is for three. I am getting married on May 3, 2008. I can't wait. I feel like it is taking forever, but yet I still have so much to do.
H/H&C Coffee
H is for Hospital. I work in hospitals. I love my job. I currently get to go to many hospitals and see what happens at many different places.
L is for ...
L is for Love. I am in love with the most wonderful man alive. He is everything I have ever wanted and then some. He treats me like a queen, and I am so blessed to have him.
E is for evening. We have been trying to take evening walks a few times a week. Walking is a start to my weight loss journey. So far I have lost 5 lbs, but my goal is 30 before the wedding.
E is for email. Seems to be the way I stay in touch with most of my family and friends lately. I wish I could just run over to someone's house like I used to do when we were younger. Crazy how relationships change as you age. Wasn't it great to be kids?
letter n
N is for nurse. I am a nurse. I have always wanted to be a nurse, even before I can remember. I feel blessed that I never had to pick a career, it was always chosen for me. I love doing what I do, and how amazing it is to go to work, do what you love and love what you are good at.

Okay, so I need to tag 8 people, since there are 8 letters in my name. I will tag Mara, Brandi, Lacey, Tasha, Rachel, and Zoe. I know that isn't 8, but I don't know that many bloggers. I like to keep tabs on all my blog friends, and if I have too many, it is nearly impossible. Which means those of you that I do keep tabs are special!! Have fun with it!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Way to go Kathleen! I like your choice of letters, too!