Monday, September 29, 2008

Life in a nutshell

(As copied from Brooke's blog. Please copy the questions about where you were 20, 10, 5, 3, 1 year ago and also today, tomorrow, and one year from now and post on your blog!)

20 years ago: Well, in 1988 I was 9 years old. I was in elementary school at Mark Twain Elem in Pasco, WA. I think I was in the 4th grade. My teachers name was Mrs Hawley. I remember her being so old then, I am sure she would be retired now. One day in the fourth grade we were all in one of the teachers classrooms (all three 4th grade classes) watching a movie. My teacher came in with my jacket and told me my Dad was here to pick me up. When we arrived home my bags were packed. I was so confused. I thought my parents had finally gotten tired of me and were getting rid of me. Well, turns out my Dad was headed to southern OR to get the family Grandfather clock and wanted me to go with him. That was a really cool trip, I still remember lots of things about that trip. My parents still have the Grandfather clock too.

10 years ago: 1998. I had graduated high school in 1997, and had already started college. I was working at Crazy Mike's Video. Still one of my favorite jobs. It was such a social job. I worked nights closing the store and on weekends, I was the opening manager. Unofficially, but the store manager opened the store during the week, and I opened the store on the weekends. I met lots of cool people at CMV. Still loved at home with my parents. I know I was taking college classes, but I don't remember how many. I know I was paying for it out of pocket and had to take some quarters off.

5 years ago: 2003. I had just entered nursing school. Something I have wanted to do all my life. It was very busy, but I made it through. I was working as a CNA on nights at the hospital as I had been since 2000. Once school started though, I had to change to secretary and work evenings. 12 hour nights shifts were too hard, then be up all day in school. I kept falling asleep. Didn't take me more than a month to figure that wasn't going to work. I was also working as a tech in the ER on weekends whenever I could get a shift. I loved the ER. Plus, I started volunteering as an EMT/Firefighter in 2002, so I was doing that as much as I could. I had a few very busy years.

3 years ago: 2005, hmmm. What was I doing in 2005. Oh yeah. I graduated nursing school. The day of graduation I moved to Portland, OR. I wanted to be closer to my sister. She was pregnant with my first nephew and I needed to spread my wings and fly. Loved Portland, can't wait to go back! I started work at Tuality Hospital in Hillsboro, OR in the ICU. So many great nurses taught me there. I still have some great friends that I keep in touch with from there! No boyfriend, but I had Charlie. My mini-dachshund. I got him in 2004. I miss him so much today, but I know he is doing great and loves his new family!!

1 year ago: I met my husband in March 2007, just after moving to MD to start my first traveling assignment. I got here in Feb and met Shaun in March. Of course we had a whirlwind romance, got engaged July 2007 and married in May 2008. We also bought our first house in 2007. Started my new job (Howard Cty Gen Hosp in the ER) almost one year ago in Jan 2008. We had a puppy for a few months, but decided she wasn't a good fit for our family.

Today: Today I am working at HCGH in the ER. Loving it, but hating working nights. I am looking at some other options, but for now, this is what I am doing. We live in MD and will be here for at least 4 more years, since Shaun just re-enlisted for another 4 years (adding only 2 years to his original end date) to be out in Oct 2012.

Tomorrow: Tomorrow we will still be doing the same thing. I have to work (nights) so I will be sleeping during the day, then when Shaun comes home get up, eat dinner together and go back to work. We treasure our dinners together every night.

1 year from now: Hopefully one year from now, we will have a newborn baby. We are hoping to start a family soon. Shaun will be working on his Bachelor's degree in Clinical Lab. I am hoping in one year I no longer have to work nights, we will be debt-free and saving lots.

Well, that is my life and my future life in a nutshell. Hope you have enjoyed the tour!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Here are the pics

Shaun and I at Gettysburg, PA.

Me with a cool "gun" from Civil War

All of us in Philadelphia, PA

Shaun and I at the "Top of the Rock" in NY City.

Shaun and I at the Capitol Building in DC

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Been on vacation. My parents came to visit us for a week. We went all over the place. First full day they were here, we headed to Gettysburg, PA for some history lessons. Actually most of their entire trip was a history lesson. We learned so much. At least I did! A few pics to post, but I got to get them all sorted through first. So many to choose from. After Gettysburg we headed to Philadelphia to check out the Liberty Bell. So cool! Had some fun in Atlantic City that night as well. Of course Shaun and I realized really quick we were just losing money so we stopped while Mom and Dad continued to play, Shaun and I took a stroll along the beach. I had never been to the ocean the entire time I have been on the east coast. Crazy!
The next day spent some time in NYC. Wow that city is amazing. I love it every time I get to go. Two days was enough though. I was getting tired of being a tourist. Came home then the next day had a slower day checking out the Capitol Building in DC. None of us had ever been on a tour through it, so that was neat.
I will post some pics next so be on the watch for those. Tonight it is back to work I go. Trying a new a schedule of blocking my days on and off together. Hopefully this will work out better for us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Posting from iPhone

posting from the iPhone at work. How cool is that? It is even correcting all my typos automatically. Sweet! Loving my new phone!!


So Shaun and I have been talking about changing plans from verizon to att. We had both wanted iPhones, and our verizon phones weren't working in our houses. I have had the same phone since I moved to MD almost two years ago (gasp-two years, wow! Can't believe I have been here almost 2 years!). I was ready for something different.
We went to the att store and switched yesterday. We have the same phone numbers, so that makes it easy! Matter of fact, I used to be with att (long before they were Cingular) and loved them. Now they are even better. I love the new iPhone. It is really neat. I had been using a palm for my calendar and games, but now I have it all on the iPhone. Don't need to carry around several devices. Plus, I can have my iPod on there as well. Sweet!!
Off to get all my contacts switched over. Oh, it still doesn't work in my house, but it does work at the hospital. Plus, I have downloaded some medical references, so that is another bonus!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Shaun is home!

Shaun made it home safe and sound yesterday. After a long month in KY, he graduated and then hopped on a flight home. He hated it there but we both knew he had to make it through. Hopefully he won't get sent away again at all or at least for a very long time. I hated it when he was gone. But now he is home and we can get back to our life together.
Mom and Dad are coming to visit next week. Not for sure what all we will be doing, but Dad has said that he wants to see Shenandoah Valley. It is in Virginia. Sounds nice, so we will have to plan that. Not much else going on. Still working nights. Was considering a change off of nights, but decided to bunch my nights tighter so I will have my days off together as well. We will see how that works out for us over the next couple months.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tropical Storm Hanna

I am safe and sound. Thanks to all that were worried.