Saturday, July 11, 2009

Still Nothing...

Mom arrives Monday night. Hoping to go into labor that night and have him July 14th. That is my ideal situation. I am tired of being pregnant. I was supposed to work through July 11, but Friday night I left early at 7pm instead of 11 and called myself off for Saturday night. It was getting really hard to work. Pelvic pressure everytime I stood and a very slow pace does not equal good ER nurse. I was miserable and I didn't really feel like I was helping being there. Although I didn't make it to my last day, I still feel I did pretty damn good. I worked for the entire 9 months, and only called out 1 time during my pregnancy. Also, did 12 hour shifts until month 8.
Here is our last pic of me being pregnant. I am pretty sure he has dropped and we are just waiting for labor to begin!


Babyfro said...

Kudos on working the whole way through. You look great and we're all very anxious to meet the little guy. I'm thinking of you.

Brooke said...

Very impressive working all the way up to the end! Hope he makes his debut soon!