Friday, February 22, 2008

Threatening Mesages

Kidding. But I did get this message from an anonymous person stating that I needed to blog. So here I am. Blogging.

There really hasn't been too much going on. I have been working 5 or 6 days a week. I love my new job in the ER. I am almost off orientation. Actually one more shift. However, all my preceptors have been completely bored since I have been so self proficient. I really like it.

Last night I worked 3pm-3:30 am, as a transition to night shift, shich begins next week. Yeah. I am not sure how I will like it, but I am trying to look at it with a positive attitude. I haven't done straight nights in about 5 years, so it will be a change for me.

Wedding plans are coming right along. We have most everything done. We are getting really exciting. I think it is only 70 days from now. I can't wait.

Of course, with me working all the time, and doing odd shifts, I haven't had a chance to see Shaun much at all. I really miss him, and I live with him. Is that weird? He was great, made me some dinner last night while I was at work, and brought it to me. What a great guy!

Sadie has been another story. We really like her, but she has had some hurdles we have had to jump. She is only 5 months old, but it very rambunctious. She does not seem to learn anything. She still is not housetrained. I know dachshunds are hard to train. Maybe we weren't ready for a dachshund. We should have gotten an easier to train dog. We have considered getting rid of her-adoption, not pound. We talked it over, had some outside advice, and decided to stick with it. I think she can be a good puppy, but we need to get her trained. We found a puppy class that we want to enroll her in. It is at Petsmart, 8 weeks long. It might help, but I need to find the time and budget for it.

Hmmm, what else. I hope that fulfills my blogging requirement. I will try harder to keep up, but when life doesn't throw you lemons, how do you make lemonade?


Babyfro said...

IT'S ALIVE!!! I mean, you're alive. Glad to hear it. Sorry you're so busy and your schedule doesn't allow for a lot of Shaun time. Busy can be a good thing though. Hope you stay happy and on track with your goals. I got the house vacuumed today, the WHOLE house. Only goal I had. hehe. Thanks for reminding me of how cute my son is. He really is the light of my life. I never knew I could have so much love for one person.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for posting! Sounds like you are busy, busy, busy! Can't wait to see you in TC next month. :)