Wednesday, September 09, 2009

6 weeks and counting

So Oliver is almost 7 weeks old now. I have to go back to work in a couple weeks. Not sure how I am gonna like being away from my boy for 12 LONG hours, but I guess I have to do it. I wish I could stay home all day everyday. Maybe once we have another child, then I will be able to stay home. Once you have 2 or 3 kids, it is cheaper to not work then it is to put all three in day care.

Luckily, Shaun gets to stay home and do school work this semester, so we don't have to think about day care for a few more months! He has to go back to work full time in December!

We are planning on coming home to the TC in January. So, be on the lookout for us, if you wanna come visit!

We just got a new computer, and haven't transferred all the data yet...I will post a few pics, and will try to get a video up soon. I don't know how to do the video stuff, Shaun does all that!

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