Saturday, September 29, 2007


Crazy how life gets in the way of posting, huh? I seem to have time to read other people's blogs, but never seem to have time to post something. Of course, of the half dozen or so blogs that I do keep up on, it appears I am not the only one lately who have been slacking on the posts. So, I don't feel so bad.
Updates: 7 months to go till the wedding, and Shaun and I have been together for 7 months now, all on October 3rd. Crazy how that worked out. We are having fun planning, but really enjoying the engagement part. We still have so much to do, but we are acclomplishing goals month to month. We have picked out the dresses for the attendants, and we are getting the save-the-dates out, slowly but surely. We have picked a photographer, but they are pretty spendy. Why is it that people charge so much for pictures? I know the answer to that, but still doesn't help my pocket book, or my parents pocket book. Hehe :)
Other stuff going on....nothing. I am trying to work as much as I can. I got an extra job, so I can work extra days a week. My last contract allowed me to work extra to get some overtime, but this contract doesn't. So, in order to get extra money, I got another job. I work for a company that fills in where needed, and I get to go to all the other hospitals in the area. I really like being able to do that, because then I get to see what the other area hospitals are like. To see if I want to join their team eventually. I can't keep "traveling" forever, and since we know we will be here for a few years, then I want to start finding a place that I would be happy working at. So far, most of the hospitals I like. That is good. Of course, I have only worked a few shifts, so I am hoping to get more. I can really only work one shift a week, two if the timing is right. 12 hour shifts really make you tired.
Weight loss: I am still trying, but it seems to be very difficult. I wasn't losing much weight with weight watchers, so I stopped paying. I am still eating healthy and making much better choices, but I don't want to keep paying to not lose. My goal is still 30 lbs by wedding time. So far, I have lost 5 lbs. It's a start!
I just can't think of anything else.


Anonymous said...

Whatever works for you is what you need to do! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I never see you on IM anymore! How's it going and did you have a question for me? Jason said you called with some photography questions. :)

Jeffrey said...

You must really be busy.

Anonymous said...

No kidding, Jeffrey. How about an update?