Thursday, November 01, 2007


I got tagged by Mara. Mostly because I haven't been posting, but I am sure partly because I am so cool. So, here it Mara...
10 useless facts about me, and 5 people to tag to do it too!!

#1: I sing along to just about every song, even if I have never heard it before. Oh, and I suck at singing. I might literally be the world's worst singer, but I don't care. I love to do it!!

#2: I am a chocaholic. Although many might know that, it seems to take control of my life. I get headaches ( I think anyhow) if I don't eat chocolate. Dark chocolate Dove promises are my FAVORITE!!

#3: I collect pigs. I have since I was in the 6th grade. However, I had to throw some out (even after just receiving them) because I had way too many. I don't collect as much anymore, but I still love pig things!!

#4: I love the CW. I watch almost all their shows. However, getting frustrated because they keep cancelling all the shows I love to watch. Currently watching Smallville as we speak!

#5: I go to the Wal-mart at least 4-5 times per week. Seems there is always something there that I need/want. For a while, we couldn't walk in the store without spending at least $25. I swear, I am responsible for most of their revenue. Hehe :)

#6: I have been so busy lately, I haven't been able to post. I swear, it wasn't because I was just lazy. I have been working a lot. Mostly so I could go to California to visit Mara, and then because my parents came to visit me for a week. I will highlight those stories soon.

#7: I check my email about 10 times per day. Is that too much?

#8: I am sitting here in my underwear. That is the glory of the internet. I can surf the web, buy things, and chat with people, all in my pj's or underwear. How cool is that?

#9: I am NOT a morning person. I hate getting up. It doesn't matter is it's at 5 am or 11 am, getting up just stinks. Of course, once I am up, I am fine. If I could go from completely asleep to awake for two hours, and skip the in between, life would be good...I think. Letely I have been getting up at 7 or 8 am, but morning routine is usually lazy time. Get up, go to couch, watch tv, take nap. That is, if I am not working. Grrr, work.

#10: I love what I do, I am a nurse...BUT....I hate working. I am sure most are that way. I work 12 hour shifts, and I hate it. By the time I leave to the time I get home, I am usually gone for close to 14 hours. That makes for a LONG day.

Okay, so not as good as I had hoped, but I hope you have enjoyed the weird, random facts.
5 people to tag...
Brandi, Natalie, Becky, Rachel, and Zoe

Have fun ladies. I would have picked Jeffrey too, but Mara already tagged him.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I work in my underwear. =)

Brandi said...

grrr you tagged I have to think of 10 things about myself - that could be rough!

PS I LOVEEEE fav. Tom welling is amazing...yum

Natalie said...

Hmmm...ok..I'll have start cracking. Thanks!