Sunday, January 27, 2008

Unexpected day off

Today I was cancelled. That is the draw back to working agency. One of the reasons I didn't want to work full time there. The first one to get cancelled, and sometimes not another shift somewhere else to replace it with. Grr.
So, today I have off. Which is good, but bad too. I sign up to work extra shifts so we can do extra things. If I don't work then, we have to budget and pinch. I hate that. Oh well. I can pick up another shift another time.
So, today is another lazy day. It is 1:30 and I just took a shower and got dressed. Yeah. Man those are nice. Well, I think we are gonna go to JcPenney. We have a gift card that we got for Christmas that has been burning a hole in our pockets. Hehe!
Starting tomorrow though, another full week of work. If I worked today, it wouldn't have made 6 days in a row and 60 hrs for the week. At least I still have one extra day on Friday.
Maybe I will make it outside to go for a walk. It is almost 40 degrees today, so no excuses!!


Anonymous said...

Ah, it sounds like you needed an extra lazy day anyway. You work so hard. Hope it was nice and relaxing.

Did you get some awesome deals at Penney's? I went there the other day and got 4 really cute clearance tops for a grand total of $32. I love that store.

Anonymous said...

Keep the motivation up and you will get it done. You are strong willed and determination is the key. You have done this before and you WILL do it again. We are right behind you dear.
Dad & I started at the Keene Fitness this morning. We hired a trainer for 27 secessions. This place is less expensive than the one Dad used before.
I, too, have been lazy...but not any more.
We will do this together all 3 of us!!
Love, Mom & Dad