Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Goodbye Sadie

Well, we decided we would put Sadie up for adoption. Some things that made us decide:

1. Puppies are supposed to make you happy, she was making us more frustrated from day-to-day than anything.

2. She wasn't learning. Either that, or we didn't know how to train her. Dachshunds are very stubborn, require a lot of time and training. Neither of us were able to make changes to our schedules to allow more time. We weren't home nearly enough to train her the way she needed trained.

3. She is young, and will learn with a new family better now than later. We figure if we waited, she may still never be trained (since our lifestyle wasn't changing) and then she would be a year old dog that wasn't trained. Most people would rather adopt a puppy that needs training than a dog.

4. Neither of us were really attatched to her. I think mostly because of the reasons above. She was cute, but most days she was frustrating. Rambunctious and destructive at times. Some days were good, others were bad. No consistency.

5. She was bored. It isn't fun staying at home alone all day, and when we came home, we played with her for a while, but not enough for her liking.

So, we put her in the Baltimore Sun and after about 6 hours, we had over 8 inquiries. The couple that adopted her had been looking for a dachshund for a couple months. Looking for the right dog. They have two dogs already (Sadie loves other dogs) and she is a work-from-home type. They like to go everywhere with their dogs and if the dogs can't go, they stay with her mother, who is a dog trainer.

Sounds like they have a huge (1/2 acre) fenced yard for her to play in. Really, we couldn't have asked for a better couple. They seemed to like her immediately. Of course, who wouldn't? She is super cute.

I know this is sudden, but I know we are all better off.

Bye Sadie! Have a great life!!!!


Babyfro said...

I know this will sound dumb, but. I'm so proud of you for making the right choice. It was a very mature decision and the best thing for everybody. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

That's sad, but it sounds like it's for the best, and her new parents sound wonderful. :)