Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cooked....almost burnt

I am so done! This pregnancy is getting really hard now. I haven't made too many complaints, until today. Can't lay flat anymore...stomach decides it wants to be in my throat. Can't find a comfortable position to sleep in, even if I can lay flat for a few hours without said heartburn. My pelvis hurts. It hurts to sit on my butt in my wonderful new rocker! Grrr.
My feet are all swollen (BP is fine though). Worse on evenings that I work.
I know this is all par for the course and everyone tells me "its almost over" and "we all go through it", but it doesn't help! I want it to be over NOW! He has decided that it is all cozy in there, and I swear he will never come out.
Shaun has to put my socks on because I can't lean over anymore. Before I could do it with lots of shortness of breath, but now, just can't get there.
I am so exhausted but I sleep almost all day most days...it just isn't "good" sleep.
Come out come out wherever you are!!!


Brooke said...

I pray he comes on time or a few days early, for your sake! I had late or on time babies- all three. Riley was the worst, about a week late.

I just can't wait to see pictures of your little guy- hopefully very soon! :)

Babyfro said...
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Babyfro said...

Sending lots of love and hugs your way. It does get hard at the end and you're doing a fabulous job.

Just try to keep your mind on something else, I know the less I concentrated on it the slightly more tolerable it was. I don't think I had it quite so bad at the end though, Christopher was very tiny and a week early. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sounds miserable! I hope he comes out soon!

Lisa said...

Some unasked for advice:

(if you don't have one already) Go to wal mart or somewhere and get a big yoga ball. It's great for widening those hips and helping baby drop and relieves some great hip pain too. And after baby's born you can bounce while holding baby and soothe them (it's like being in the womb while walking) and you can burn calories at the same time.

Sending happy end of pregnancy vibes your way!