Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Damn Yellow Lights!

I got pulled over....again, for running a yellow light.

What is it with this city. They feel you an't run yellow lights. It clearly states in the driver's manual that yellow means "caution".

Well, yesterday I was coming home from a long and hard day at work. I was car number 4 at a red light. It turned green, we started going. No sooner than it turned green, did it turn yellow again. so, I was strolling up to the line, thinking to myself that was way too short.

I had a decision to make. Go for it, or be good and stop.

Well...I made the wrong decision. I went for it. It turned red as I made it pass the intersection, but as I glanced behind me, there was a cop. Damn it. So, headed up to the next light, cop pulls behind me. Stroll to the next light, cop stays there. Not too close, just behind me like any other car. I think I have a chance.

Then I turn my blinker on to turn left to head home, so does the cop. Damn. I am getting pulled over.

As soon as the light turns green, and I turn, the lights come on. I am so close to home. I am on my street. But, I pull over. She...yes she, come up and asks if I know why.

"The yellow light"


I told her I saw the light and had to make a decision, and it was a bad one none-the-less. She asked for my stuff, took it back to the car. Of course, not before asking about my plates... :)

Then came back, handed me my stuff and said have a good night. No warning, no nothing. I think she just wanted me to know what I did wrong...I did. So she was happy. She was very pleasant. We laughed about my plates. I think she saw that I was a nurse, coming home from an obviously long day at work.

So, NO ticket. Yeah!!


Anonymous said...

You're supposed to look for the cop BEFORE you make the decision.

he he he.

Glad you got outta that one.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you can fall into it and come out smelling like a rose! Lucky you....just be careful out there. Someday your are gonna find that cop who had a bad night ( or did't get any that night ) and is on the war-path for any wrong do-er.

Jeffrey said...

Your mom sounds like a hoot ... Let's hope you keep running into cops "that got a little something-something" the night before.

Anonymous said...

Lucky girl!

Becky said...

You are super lucky.... I had a run in two days ago with a cop and was not so lucky. Nice job!!