Saturday, June 02, 2007


Shaun and I headed to the C&O Canal tonight for a little stroll after work. It was nice. We walked for about an hour, just headed down one way, turned around, then came back. We figure about 3 miles tonight. It was nice. I even got to see my first firefly. I had never seen one. I have heard they are all over out here, but have never REALLY seen one. There was only least only one that was lighted. It was pretty neat.
WE have decided ( and will try to keep at it) to go out for a walk every night. Now, it can be a fun stroll in the park, a little hike, or just a jaunt around the neighborhood...never-the-less, we want to get moving. I am hoping, that will get me motivated to get moving more and start running again. I feel my pants getting tighter and tighter, and I haven't started running like I wanted to. Grr. I did however, sign up for a Half Marathon in Erie, PA at the beginning of September. So, I have about 3 months to train.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the marathon training. You can do it!

Jeffrey said...

Take a Mason or Ball jar (or mayonnaise jar will work) and punch air holes in the lid. Then catch the fireflies and put them in it. We called them lightning bugs growing up in North Carolina. It makes for a pretty cool show on a night stand. Then let them go free in the morning.