Monday, January 14, 2008


Today is my birthday. I had to work, but it was only orientation, so I am home for the evening. Shaun has a great evening planned too. He baked me a chocolate cake, my favorite. Also he is making Lasagna for dinner tonight, which I had requested. After a nice dinner we will open presents and have cake/ice cream. Same way I always celebrated my birthdays when I was home with my family.
Other than that, pretty non-eventful birthday. Last one ever you know. I am 29 now. Isn't that what people try to claim the rest of their lives...."I'm 29" said the 41 year old. Hehe. Well, I really am 29, so I guess this is it.
It is 5:30 pm and I have yet to hear from anyone. NO friends, NO family has called to wish me a happy birthday. I did receive a very short email from one friend. Thanks. I am sure they are all waiting until tonight when they know I will be home...yes I am sure that is what happened. I can't imagine anyone forogt about my birthday. I received one card from my soon-to-be Father-in-law, other than that, no cards either. Yeah, that stinks!

(This wasn't supposed to be a pitty blogpost....I guess it is what it is!)


Anonymous said...

Ah! I can't believe I missed it! I'm so sorry. I hope you had a wonderful birthday with Shaun. =)

Happy Belated Birthday.

Babyfro said...

I sent you a card on Thursday. I don't quite know how long mail takes to get to you yet so I'm sorry it was late. Hope you had a Happy Birthday, I had my parents over for dinner last night, we had roast and celebrated you!!!

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday Kathleen! I hope your evening turned out wonderful! Birthday's are a big thing for me I understand.

Anonymous said...

Call me back, lady.