Friday, March 28, 2008

Wedding Update

Well, 4 weeks to go now. I had an awesome time at home. Jen threw me an amazing shower. I was so excited to see everyone who came. I know many of you missed it-shame on you. Kidding. You missed a great shower, but I know you are planning to come to the wedding, so can't wait to see you there!

I got my dress all fitted. Even had to take an inch off each side. That was nice. Now, I just have to try to maintain that size. Of course, it is the size I have been for weeks/months now, so it shouldn't be too hard.

I think we have everything all planned. We made some consultations with some people. Most aren't used to working with the Bride so far out from the wedding, but it was the only time I will be there between now and the actual wedding. Gotta make some changes when you live across the country. They have all been very accomodating.

**Actually wrote this a while ago, then forgot about it...sorry folks!!**


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the wedding. It's going to be here before we know it! I'm excited to get the green dress too - I hope it's as cute in person.

P.S. Any luck getting your hands on the outline? Maybe someone could scan it and email it to me or even fax it?

Brooke said...

I love your wedding countdown- how exciting! Sounds like things are coming together so well and you had a great bridal shower. The best advice someone gave me before my wedding was to try and take it all in and actually remember... and it worked. I remember walking down the aisle like it was yesterday because I made a point to take in everything I was feeling at the time- emotions, the music, my dad walking me, and faces I saw (especially Rick's). I'll be anxious to read all about your big day in a blog in May!