Friday, April 18, 2008

Before and Afters

Here are some of the updates that have been keeping us busy, and away from bloggerland...

Before: This is a view of the Living Room Wall. We decided it needed a color on it. Although, we didn't want to make the entire room dark, we did want a nice bold color.

After: This is what we chose. It is the background of the accent chair from our living room set. You can see it in the picture as well. We love it.

Before: This is view #1 from our extra bedroom. It is a burnt orange color. Very drab. We live on the terrace level, so we are partly below ground. Having this room dark, with the little bit of light that did shine in, made it feel very small.

View #2-same room.

After: This is our new room. We call it the yellow room. Very pale yellow (although the picture doesn't portray that very well) with a soft green for accents. It is very soothing, and I just love being in here.

View #2 of the yellow room. This pic gives a better idea of the yellow.

Before: This is our entry way. Very small. Soon as you enter, you have to turn left into the condo. We needed to spice things up a bit. All the walls are this very plain creme/off white color. As you can see, we also have a white (-ish) brick wall. Something needed to go here.

After: Voila. We have a beautiful stresses finish, hand-painted table. It is beautiful. Now, the color on the wall, is not that vibrant. It is called "Salsa Diane". It matches the pink/red in the flowers on the table, and just adds to the entry way. Something that says...."welcome to our home" Eventually we will have a mirror on the wall and maybe some candles. For now, still very plain, but plain with color!!

Another view of the table/wall.
Those are some of the things we have done around here. Trying to add our own touch on things. Of course, I am not sure the condo likes it very much, cuz it spoke back to us a couple days ago. Our kitchen sink has clogged up. I have tried plunging, I have tried Drano, I don't know what to try now. I have an email into our association manager. I think these pipes might be covered under building maintenance, because our pipes connect with our neighbors pipes. They left a note on our door asking if we had been having problems. Of course, they just assumed it was OUR problem and proceeded to tell me that WE needed to call and get it fixed. I am sure it was my fault, but that is NOT the point. It all started after I made Shaun his carrot cake. I put the extra carrot scrapings down the drain....I used the garbage disposal, but apparently it wasn't enough, I don't know. I will keep you update on that saga, as more news develops.
As for now, Shaun's Dad and sister will be coming to visit. Deanna (his sister) has graciously decided to throw me a bridal shower, so that is Saturday. I can't wait. I even have a friend from work coming too. Yeah! They come tonight, so I had better get some sleep, so I am well rested when they get here! I am off for two days, I am SO excited!!


Babyfro said...

It looks great! I'm still working out what colors I want where. I have very big walls that all run together so it's difficult.

Tash said...

hey! it looks really great!! so did you do a wash over the brick or did the red color just darken up the white bricks that much??? i like the older antique feel that it gives!! my fave of all the before and after changes!! good luck with the rest of the condo and the wedding!! coming up so quickly!!!

Mrshappyanna said...

Hello just came accross your blog and liked it :-)

You have a good eye for making a house look like a home from the photos.. wish you could make ours look as nice!!

Pop along and have a peek at my blog.. be nice to blog chat :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks great! You guys did such a great job.