Thursday, June 16, 2005


I just met a few of my neighbors. I went to take Charlie out and they were all smoking outside. They were really nice and let me through, and showed a genuine interest in Charlie, that was nice. One of them, her name is Jaina...she wants me to watch her dog for a month. She has a female mini-beagle. I love beagles, but I really don't think it is a good idea to watch a dog for someone else. She says she will pay for everything it needs, but I don't know. I guess her boyfriend (my neighbor) can't have dogs (I am assuming either he hasn't paid the deposit, or his kids have allergies....I dont know!), and something about something else. I think it would be a fun playmate for Charlie, but I seriously do not need another dog. It is so hard to say no to people, especially when they ask the way she did. She doesn't even know me, for all she knows, I could beat on my dog and starve him....hmmm....kidding! I don't, but she doesn't know that I don't! She must be deperate to find her a home. Her dogs name is Langley. She sounds like fun, but I can't watch her dog!
I might have a part-time, part-part-time job. I saw an advertisement on the mailboxes for a bbsitter. A baby- a two-month-old baby! They just need someone from 3:00-3:30 and 6-7pm and a half hours, and they are willing to pay $90/week. I could use that money for just a few hours of my time! Its not like I have anything better to do. I have been running some errands these last few days, and I have been trying to unpack, but I jsut don't feel like doing that all the time, so I don't. I am gonna go play pinocle tomorrow night with my sister and her friends...maybe I will make a friend of my own....!


Babyfro said...

I don't think I would watch the dog either... what if she never comes to pick it up. (bum bum bum.... creepy music)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, pretty strange.