Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Feeling better now.

Alittle dissapointed everyone in blogland has left. Hardly any blogs are updated on a regular basis anymore. I refuse to do MySpace. It is stupid and not personal at all. People become "friends" just because they viewed your site. I hate it. I will not go.

So, if all you bloggers out there go to MySpace, I will not follow. I will stay here, stay tru to blogspot, and will continue to write in my blog. I will, however, keep posting nastys on your blog, to continue to update until you finally come back.

Okay, now that my threat is posted to all bloggers, I can continue with my post. Nothing much going on. I jsut got a new schedule for the next 4 weeks, and I have a great schedule. I get 5 days off almost every time I have time off.

I have requested every Saturday off so I can run with Portland fit as much as possible. I am very excited about starting training again. I really hope I can keep up with it, and get up (at 6am) every Saturday and go running.

I am also gonna try training for the Race for the Roses Half marathon. It is April 9th this year. I have ran the Half marathon the last three years, and each time, I have trained for it in about 2-3 weeks. I don't mean to, but that is how it happens. So this year will be no different. I have set out a training schedule for the next few weeks, and If all goes as planned, I should be fine. I have been running for the last two months now, so I should be good to go.

I am off to meet Jen and her friend Erica for a 4 mile run tonight. I'll let you know how it goes!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I can't believe you can train in such a short amount of time! You're going to do great. Can't wait to see you!