Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Turns out, I just don't have the self-motivation to keep running all the long distances right now. I have been struggling to get anything longer than 5 miles in. I know that I did a 7 miler once, but I just don't get out there.

So, I guess I will not be running the Seattle Marathon, but I will definetely do the Seattle Half marathon. I am really excited to go and to run a race again. I think I will try to find a Half marathon at least every couple months...just to keep me out there.

Other than that, I am still running (except this week, I have been REALLY lazy), and still enjoying it. I will try to keep getting faster this winter, so maybe next year, I can plan to run a marathon in...say...5 hours 15 mins. Maybe that will be a stretch, but I can try!

Weight loss has been slow, but still losing. I have been eating really bad lately. Matter of fact, just ordered a damn pizza for tonight...because I I did. Oh well. Gotta live life!! I try to make healthier choices most of the time, just not as hard as I was trying before. I really do not want to plateau right now, so I am gonna try extra hard from here on out. Well, after tonight's pizza...since I did pay for it. It would be bad to just throw it out, and not eat it!


I have decided to be a stick of gum. I hadn't thought of too many good ideas, so DeAnn at work helped me think of some easy to do, costumes.

I am gonna try to find a pink sweatpant/sweatshirt combo, and maybe get letters that say EXTRA or BUBBLEYUM, something good.

So there you have it. I am gonna be a stick of gum!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

I couldn't resist

I think this is so true...for those who know me well..

What Makes You ...
Your Information
What makes you sexy?Your hips
What makes you pretty?Everything
What makes you loveable?Your compassion
What makes you fun?Your sense of humor
What makes you irresistable?Your heart
99.00%Just how great are you?
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Brooks and Dunn Update!!

That was an awesome concert. First off...Jack Ingram (spelling?) was ok. I wasn't too impressed, but then again, he is new, and I only knew a few songs. then again, that is about all he is allowed to sing.

Sugarland rocked. Jennifer Nettles was amazing. I was totally impressed, makes me want to go buy their CD. I may do that tomorrow. It really was great. Every song they sang was a great song!

Brooks and Dunn...well they were...words cannot describe how cool they were. They sang every song I could think of that I wanted to hear. They had the coolest stage show. I was very pleased. Worth every penny I spent...on....well i didn't buy tickets, so worth every penny I spent on food!!

Yup! I went to the concert, and decided to buy food. I figure, you can't go to the fair and not buy fair food. So, I did. My dad and I each got a hotdog, a drink, and that totaled $20! Oh well, it was fun. Free tickets...the least I could do was buy something! So I did! of the best concerts I have been to. And, I have been to many!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

7 miles...its a start

Today I decided to get off the couch, and get a longer-than-3-mile run in. Okay, it was after Jeff encouraged me to go, so I have to thank him. Don't worry...I did.

So, anyway...I got off the couch, and ran. It was great. It reminded me how much I love distance running. You see, with shorter distances, the whole run is a push. 30-40 mins of puching and convincing myself I don't need to stop and walk. But once you get past that point, it just feels great, and you just keep going.

So, that is where I was...running, feeling great, and glad I got off the couch today!

Next up...13 miles tomorrow!!

Long Run

So, I am having difficulty getting motivated to do these long runs. I know that if I don't get out there soon, I will not be ready for the marathon in Seattle. I am not sure if I am slacking, because I allowed myself an out. I told myself I can always just run the half if I decide to. I think I need to get my butt in gear, and just run. I have been getting lots of good shorter runs in during the week, and it feels great. I just haven't wanted to get up and do 13 miles (which is what I had scheduled for today).

My attitude needs to change.

I had a bad dream last night, that I couldn't find my clothes, and I drove all over looking for them, and was an hour late starting the race, and I just couldn't get in the motion of running. It was weird.

Do dreams try to tell you something? Is it telling me, I don't really want to run the full marathon? Is it telling me....hmmm....what could it be telling me?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Mood: aaah

I just feel weird today. It has been raining, so maybe that is why. Normally the weather doesn't bother me. Today, I just have not been motivated to do anything. I want to get out for a run, but I feel my energy is being drained! Grrr

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


BTN run means "better than nothing" run.

I headed out tonight for a short 3 mile jaunt. I knew I needed to get a good run in tonight, so I was planning on booking it.

Well, I guess because I sat watching tv and eating (alot of) M&M's, I didn't have a good run. I felt sick part way through. So I slowed down...that didn't help. I walked a bit thinking I needed to just give myself a little rest...that didn't help.

So, even though I did get out, and it was a crappy run/walk....I can still count it as a run day...just a BTN run!

Brooks and Dunn

Only a few more days, and my Dad and I are off to see the Brooks & Dunn conert at the Rose Garden!

I am not a huge fan of B&D, but since I got free tickets, I might as well be excited about it. I think they have many good songs. I just probably would have never paid to go see them in concert.

So, Sunday night is the concert, and my parents are coming into town Sunday morning. My mom gets to stay at home with Charlie. I think they will watch a movie or something like that. She doesn't get to go, because the tickets were won off the radio, and I only got two. She doesn't care though.

So, Monday I will update you all on how the concert was.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


As I was reading all my friend's blogs, I ran across my friend Brandi's blog. She has this posted, so I watched it. It is hilarious. It is 6 mins long, but worth every minute!


Thursday, October 12, 2006

One last hike for the year

There is this new girl at work. Her name is Heather, and we made instant friends. We decided to head out to the gorge to go hiking. It was a ton of fun.

We hiked Eagle Creek all the way to Tunnel Falls. It is about a 13 mile round trip hike. A ton of fun, we had.

We started out pretty late. We weren't sure if we would make it all the way, but figured we could get out as far as we could. We barely made it all the way before we had to turn back. We started at 2. Figured 3 hours to get out, and 2 hours to get back. That is how long it took. We should have turned around about 1/2 hour before, but we were so close. Didn't want to miss the best part of that hike. We had to hike about 20 mins in the dark, and about 5 mins of pitch black. We started getting a little spooked at the very end, but we made it safe and sound to the car. After that, no problem.

We had a ton of fun. We have a lot in common, and talked about everything. She is just a few years older than I am. I got some ok pictures, nothing really good. But I will still post what I have. She took some good pictures of me.

I actually got to wear my hiking pants I bought this summer. When I bought them, they fit me, although were just a tad tighter than i would have liked for hiking. But not now. They fit me like a dream. They were very comfortable, and exactly what I had in mind when I bought them. I wish I could have gotten more use out of them this year, but I know I will get good use next year. I may even go one more time this year. I can keep going as long as the weather permits really.

So, here are a few pictures of the scenery, and a couple of me and Heather. Over all great day. I am hurting a little bit today in my hips, but nothing like after the marathon. I even got a 3 mile run in yesterday morning, and may try to get another 3 mile run in tonight. :)

Tunnel Falls

Part of the hiking trail. Most was dirt and leaves. There were quite a few areas that were very rocky. It was considered a moderate hike. I didn't think it was terrible. I thought the rocks/rough terrain made it tougher than the steepness. It wasn't bad at all, but it was 12-13 miles roundtrip!

Good photo of Heather.

Good photo of me!

I liked this picture of the creek. We got off the trail to get this photo! It was fun!

Hope you enjoyed these photos. Maybe I will get even one more good hike in this year.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I think I may have a mild tendonitis. It is just an inflammation of the tendon on my right foot. I think I remmeber hurting vaguely before race day, but i just blew it off, said it would go away. I didn't think twice about it. I would have forgotten about it had I not mentioned it to Suzy, who reminded me that I had said that.

So, it has been bothering me the last few days. Nothing major, just a little sore on the top of my foot. But it is swollen, and red, and maybe a bit warm. So I need to watch it, rest it, ice it, and hopefully recover it.

I don't want to end up getting a major infection, because I didn't treat it while it was something small. So, I am going to baby it for a while. I really want to run, but I will resist.

I won't however, not play softball tonight. I probably shouldn't play, but I am going to. It is the last two games of the fallball season, and I want to I am going to! Besides, after that, I can rest again for a few days, then try running again on Wednesday. I am sure it will be better by then!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

More pictures!

Family Pic..thanks Zoe for the help with PS.

About mile 11...woohoo! Go Kathleen

Finish I come. Thanks Zoe for the great pic!

Another family pic. Aren't we a fun family?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Grason and Kaitlyn

I took a lot of pictures of both my kiddos. My nephew, Grason, is one year old now. My neice, Kaitlyn, is 6 months old.
Here is my favorite one of each of them.

Vacation Update!

I am back now. Actually I have been back in town since Saturday morning, but my vacation didn't really end until I went back to work yesterday.

It all started after work Thursday Sept. 21. I finished work at 7:30pm, and was ON VACATION!! Woohoo. I have never actually taken a week off of work, and used my vacation hours, so I am pretty excited about this. Even though, I wasn't going to some exotic was still a vacation for me. My plan was to spend a few days in Spokane, then head home (TC) and spend the rest of the week seeing all my family and friends.

Headed to TC on Friday afternoon. First having lunch with a new friend, Mark. I met him online, and we have been talking for some time now, just never met. So...we finally met at lunch. It was a good lunch. We had lunch at Red Robin, my favorite restaurant! Yumm! I like it because it is all-american, and it has lots of stuff to chose from. Enough about that. After lunch I was ready to packed and everything. Even had Charlie waiting..I was literally ready to go. So, I went!

Got into town on Fri, and decided to stay with Jen. I was going to watch Grason that night so they could go play poker, or something like that. So Grason and I had a fun night at Nana and grandpa's. Went there for dinner...yum...salmon...freshly caught. :)

Saturday, headed up to Spokane to see Jeff. He had some games on Saturday, so I watched him ref football. It was ok, nothing too exciting! Had a great time with Jeff all weekend. Even got him to go running a little with me. That was a sight to see! Tried to go to Riverfront park to take some pictures, but, silly me, my camera needed to be charged. So, no pics. I was really bummed about that.

Sunday, he had to ump a couple softball (fastpitch) games, so I went along and watched. Those games, much more fun that football. Maybe because I like softball...I don't know! Any way, the second game I made friends with some of the moms on the winning team. We had a lot of fun talking, and watching the game.

Headed home Monday morning. Spent the rest of the week eating out, seeing friends, and hardly running. Monday night got to go out on the boat for a couple hours. I didn't get in the water, it was pretty cold. Joel had fun tubing, while I had Grason and played flag duty. Either way, it was a blast, and Jackie even got to join us for a little bit.

The rest of the week went by way to fast. Grason turned one year old on Wed Sept 27. So that was fun. I got some good pics of his party. I will try to post a slide show of all the pics I took while I was on vacation. (Update: see new slideshow to the right for some of the pics) I even played photographer, and got Grason 1 year pictures, and Kaitlyn 6 month pictures. Took a TON of pictures, and only about 50 or so was any good. Oh well. I am still new to the photography world. I hope to keep getting better. Even took family pictures. My family doesn't have any pictures of us all together (professional) since I was about 5 years old. We were in need of some family pictures. Got some good ones of those too!

I got to see all but just a couple people while I was in town, so I was very pleased with that. Even managed to make it to a CBC Health Careers dedication. There is a new building in Richland, and they were dedicating it. I really wanted to see all the teachers, so we decided to go. Why this is cool...well apparently, I am on the front page of the TC Herald. I was in one of the shots they took, and I thought it was funny.

Came home Saturday morning, so I could meet Suzy here (she came up to watch me run my marathon), and go to the expo (get race packet), and just relax. Well...didn't get much relaxing in, but i still had fun, nonetheless. My entire family came up too. There was Jen, Joel, Grason, Matt, Ashley, Kaitlyn, Mom, Dad, Uncle Jeff, Steve, and Suzy here cheering me on. Zoe, Jason, Isaac and Xander also came to see me finish! I am so blessed to have such great family/friends to come cheer me on! Thank you all!! You carried me through my marathon. Special thanks to Jen for running the last 7 miles with me! You are the best!

Marathon went great. I finished a LOT faster than I thought I even could. I finished 5:52:08. I was expecting a 6:30 marathon, praying I wasn't out there for 7 hours. I even beat my second marathon time, by about 14 minutes! Yeah! I felt great. The last 4 miles were really painful, but I made it through. I ran the whole way. Stopped to walk a few times, but only for about 10-15 seconds at at time. I think I walked one time for about 1 minute. It just hurt to walk, and hurt even more to start running again. But I had to run, and I knew that if I kept walking, I wouldn't start running again, so I limited my walking breaks.

The day was perfect for running. From beginning to end. It was sunny, but not too sunny. Warm, but not too warm. Just perfect I tell ya.

So, I am still considering running Seattle Marathon on Nov 26. I am definetely doing the Half marathon, but really think I can do the full thing. I am not making any final decisions until Oct 15 (when I need to register before the price goes up). So share your thoughts!!

Weight loss update: Doing great! 35 pounds total since the beginning of the year. I reached my marathon goal, and now I am ready to start the second half of my journey to make it to my New Year goal! I know that I can do this!