Saturday, October 21, 2006

Long Run

So, I am having difficulty getting motivated to do these long runs. I know that if I don't get out there soon, I will not be ready for the marathon in Seattle. I am not sure if I am slacking, because I allowed myself an out. I told myself I can always just run the half if I decide to. I think I need to get my butt in gear, and just run. I have been getting lots of good shorter runs in during the week, and it feels great. I just haven't wanted to get up and do 13 miles (which is what I had scheduled for today).

My attitude needs to change.

I had a bad dream last night, that I couldn't find my clothes, and I drove all over looking for them, and was an hour late starting the race, and I just couldn't get in the motion of running. It was weird.

Do dreams try to tell you something? Is it telling me, I don't really want to run the full marathon? Is it telling me....hmmm....what could it be telling me?

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