Thursday, July 28, 2005


I am at my parents house for the week. My sister is having her first baby (and the first in the family) in October, so she is getting her baby shower this weekend. I can't wait, I know this kid is gonna get so much, and he isn't even born yet. My sisters husband calls him Yoder Oder, since they haven't found a name for him yet.
When I was at my friends house last weekend, we got up and ran about 30 mins for the three days I was there. It was great, I really miss running. I also miss running with family and friends. When I lived here, so did all my friends and my family. Most of my friends have all moved away, and now I moved away from my family. The reason I am on this rant, is because, it was great to always have someone to go running with.
I trained for my first Marathon with my best friends. Jackie would run with me, and Suzy would ride the bike (on shorter runs, she would run too). I miss that. I was held accountable for the days we went running. If I didn't go, then I would hear about it. But now...I am the only one who knows if I don't go.
Back to my point, I am getting spoiled these last couple days, cuz last weekend I had my friend to run with and now, my parents.
Its been great!
My parents haven't always been exercising, but when doc says "exercise!" you exercise. So my parents have been getting up at 5:15 am to go walking.
This is great for them, they haven't had a steady exercise program in years. They are also adding in a few jogs here and there....did I just say my parents have been jogging???
I believe I did!
Actually, its true, they have been jogging. They go out for about 30 mins and walk, and do a few jogs here and there.
Well, when I come along.....I don't tke walk for an answer.
I peel myself out of bed on Wednesday morning at 5:20am, an I barely awake, and we start off walking. Thats ok, I normally do a little warm-up walk anyhow.
Well, when I turned the corner, I started jogging.
They started too.
They kept up!...I was very shocked. They had a few stop and catch my breath walks, but I kept pushing along, and so did they.
I was very impressed, so this morning, I did the same up at 5:15 am, went jogging, but this time, I pushed mom to go just a bit farthur (the ext street), and dad turned home at the regular street. They both did so good.
I am gonna keep getting up at 5:15 am, so I can have someone to go running with. Otherwise, I probably would sleep in till 9 or 10, and by then it would way too hot to run. It has been 100-104 these last couple days here.
Not fun, so I am spoiled, I get to go running with family and friends again. I know it won't be permanent, but I am hoping it will be a start for my training for the Walt Disney World Marathon (Jan 8, 2006). I have been planning to do this one since 2004.
If all goes well, I will get up at 5:15am for the next few days, and go for my 30-40 min run, and then, maybe I will just keep up the same thing when I get home, by myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! That is awesome you're running again. It makes me want to start again too!