Sunday, October 08, 2006


I think I may have a mild tendonitis. It is just an inflammation of the tendon on my right foot. I think I remmeber hurting vaguely before race day, but i just blew it off, said it would go away. I didn't think twice about it. I would have forgotten about it had I not mentioned it to Suzy, who reminded me that I had said that.

So, it has been bothering me the last few days. Nothing major, just a little sore on the top of my foot. But it is swollen, and red, and maybe a bit warm. So I need to watch it, rest it, ice it, and hopefully recover it.

I don't want to end up getting a major infection, because I didn't treat it while it was something small. So, I am going to baby it for a while. I really want to run, but I will resist.

I won't however, not play softball tonight. I probably shouldn't play, but I am going to. It is the last two games of the fallball season, and I want to I am going to! Besides, after that, I can rest again for a few days, then try running again on Wednesday. I am sure it will be better by then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you for taking it easy. A little time off your feet won't hurt you. You've gotta stay in good health for that Seattle run!