Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Guy's Officially suck!

Okay, so this guy that persues ME, decides that once he has got me...he is all confused! That he is reluctant to get involved....blah, blah, blah!
I hate men! I swear.
First he doesn't do anything for Vday....I, (stupid me) make excuses and say...oh he worked late, oh he is busy, maybe it is too early....yeah right!
He just doesn't want to "date", but yet he wants to have the benefit of dating and the benefit of my friendship, but doesn't want to take me out like a real date would!
Well, I don't need him.
I have school!
I have my job,
and most of all, I have my BIG move to look forward to!
That's right, I am moving to a big city at the end of nursing school. My sister lives there, and there is a way bigger gene pool than this little sorry town!
I can be friends with this little booger, but I am not devoting anymore time to him than he deserves, and that ain't much!
Here's to a better life without men right now!

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