Thursday, November 17, 2005

First Time

So, I finished my first Power of 10 routine!! I feel great. I don't really feel like I worked myself to the limit in some areas.
First, the leg press, I kept going, and going, and...well you get the point. I added some weight, then added some more. i finally felt like I was reaching muscle failure, but only after about 20+ reps. That was the first exercise though, didn't know what to expect, or what I could I moved on, and learned from it.
Second was Lat pulldown...did great. Felt muscle failure at about 6 reps. That was a good one.
Chest press....I am so weak. I could only do the bar weight of 30 lbs. I hit muscle failure at about 4-5 reps. The only thing is though, i didn't really feel "the burn", I was just pushing and nothing was happening, so I kept pushing, and still nothing. I guess I had reached muscle failure.
Bicep curl...this would have been hilarious to anyone that watched. I lifted only 2 reps an couldn't move, but the funniest left arm never really moved. I could lift the weight with my right arm, but my left arm, just stayed there. So I obviously have to work on strengthening my left arm, just to get to what my right can do. Really weird!!
Lat raise...well I could do about 2-3 on the weight I was at. I have never done any of these exercises, so i had no clue what to even start at, it was all blind luck. But that is okay. I will perfect my magic number, and do great soon.
As for abs...I did 60lbs, and the first rep i could move, but my entire body was shaking. I have never been one to do any sit-up/crunches...ever! i hate them, so I will have some work to do on my abs.
I finshed my work-out, and I feel pretty good. It was hard to leave the gym feeling like i didn't really work-out, but I know i reached failure on those machines, and now I need to rest! I will keep you posted as to my soreness tomorrow, and the days to follow.
I have a few days off, so that will be good. Then I work for 4 before i get Turkey break off.
Can't wait to go back, and do some more weights!! T-Minus 7 days...and counting!!


Tash said...

sounds like you had a great workout...i dont really feel like i accomplished much today....on a couple of the exercises i didnt feel i was like well this is dumb...but on a couple i couldnt even control my entire body it was shaking so much. so i guess i will have to see how much i really worked tomorrow----judge my how much i can move!! haha!! have a great night!!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I felt like that the first week too. Believe me, you'll figure out what you can do!