Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pink Eye

Okay, it isn't really pink eye, but it sure looked bad. Honestly it looked like I was stoned and drunk.
I have to come to the conclusion and realization, I may be allergic to my (very expensive) MAC make-up. Either that, or it get in my eye and causes great irritation. I don't know for sure. maybe I have bacteria in them, that could be another thought.
Either way, last time I wore my make-up I thought I got a little in my left eye. It did cause some irritation. Mostly being my eye was all bloodshot and icky looking. They did not itch, nor burn. it did however cause my eye to be a little blurry at times, and I would have to blink a few times to fix it. Just a hassle and annoyance more than anything.
This time, I wore my make-up, had a slight annoyance of blurriness (is that a word?) and went to bed. I know you are supposed to wash your make-up off at night, but I never do, so I figured, why change now. So, I went to bed, and I woke up looking like this...

Now, my left eye had some sort of drainage through the night, but as I woke up, washed my face, no more drainage. I know this is not real pink eye, since my conjuctivae (the inner membrane of the lower lid) aren't swollen. My right eye was not as red, but the upper lid was swollen. Weird. Again, no pain, no itch, just looked like a monster.
I didn't seem to have any sight issues at work, but I did look funny. Everyone thought I was crying or smoking the pipe too much. Seriously...I hope this is not my make-up. I paid good money for that make-up and I love it. Tonight, I am still red and a little puffy, but getting better.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I will wash my face really good tonight before bed, and pray that it goes away!


Jeffrey said...

Maybe if you take a couple of bong hits now it will have the reverse effect .... Love the pics.... You definitely look stoned in No. 2.....

Anonymous said...

LOL, Jeff!!!

Jason had something like this and I immediately thought Pink eye, and he went to the doctor. But the doc said adults don't really get pink eye, and it was just congunctivitis caused my irritation, not bacteria.

Tash said...

Sorry to hear about the eyes...glad it isn't painful cuz those pics make it look like it is painful. Hope that it gets better and hope that it is not your expensive make up that is causing it!! You might have to give in and wash your face everynight that you wear makeup! I know what you mean though--I never wash my makeup off before I head to bed either!

Hope you have a good week and great weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

My cat just drooled on the keyboard. Sick, Annie, sick.

Anyway, back to you. How old is your mascara? If it's older than 3 months, time for a new one, even if it seems fine. Their mascara isn't too pricey - $10 or so.

I refuse to believe you could be allergic to it - that would be far too tragic to cope with. MAC is the best. I hope to hear that all is better soon!