Sunday, August 27, 2006


Nothing to report. I haven't forgotten about blogland, there just isn't much going on right now.
Work=great. As always. I love my job. The last few days were sit on my butt read newspapers type days. Most days are so busy we can barely think, so everyone says to treasure these days! Either way, I get paid! Woohoo.
Softball=starting again soon. Fall ball start Sept. 10th. Yeah, can't wait! Also gonne be doing a Kickball tournament and a Halloween costume ball game. Those both sound like a TON of fun. Mara has even agreed to play at the Halloween costume game, since she will be here that weekend.
Running=good. Marathon is coming up. Count down is about 33 days left (or somewhere in that area). I have also decided to (think about) do Seattle. I will definetely do the half marathon, but am seriously considering just running the full marathon. Half is $70, and the full is $85. 70 is just pretty steep for a half, so that is what motivated me. Plus it will keep me running, so I can continnue to lose weight. I haven't decided for sure though. Also thinking of going to cisit my friend, Kajsa, in Arizone for my birthday, and running Rock'n'Roll Half marathon in Phoenix. Lots of fun races lined up. Maybe I can go home and run the Cable Bridge Run with Jen and mom. That will be fun too. Depends on the holiday schedule at work!
Weight=losing. Working really hard to eat healthy, and keep running. My short term goal is 9lbs by marathon time. I think I can totally do it. I have every weekend off until the marathon, so I won't have to miss any more long runs! :)
Boy=none. Still haven't found the man of my dreams. I have lots of friends but no prospects for a serious relationship. I am ok with that, but I still am hoping to meet someone new, get swept off my feet, and fall madly in love! I know, I know....wake up Kathleen!
So those are all my updates. Reminder to everyone who cares...I will be coming home Sept 23-30th. So, if you want to see me...make it a priority and schedule something with me. I don't have any definite plans yet, but want to see as many people as I can when I am home!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates! You are doing awesome with the running!

Jeffrey said...

The people of our dreams come around when we stop looking for them so hard ... It took me far too long to learn that.