Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, less than 2 weeks to go. Today I am heading to work at 3. Signed up for an extra shift and chose to do 3pm to 3 am. I think it will be a good shift. I am actually trying to switch shifts. I have been doing nights and it just sucks. I feel like my "days" off aren't really days off. Just recovery nights. The scheduler at work schedules me on one off one, on one, off one. It just doesn't work for night shift. I told her this and she basically made it clear that she is in charge and will schedule me when she wants to. So, I put a request to switch to either 3-3 or 11a-11pm. I ultimately want 11-11, but will settle for 3-3 until an 11-11 comes available. I haven't heard back yet, but I hear it isn't hard to get a 3-3, since they always need that shift. 3p-1am is the busiest time in the ER.
Today I will get ready, go out to eat lunch (I am thinking Red Robin) and then go to work.

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