Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Maid Service

Tonight I cleaned my house. Really just needed things picked up and put away, but it is clean. I still need to take a quick vacuum to the place and clean the bathrooms, but other than that, I have been busy. Got all the dishes done and put way. Finished another load of laundry, and took out the garbage. I feel content. I would be proud to have someone come over now, not seeing the mess that I had accumulated earlier. Mara-come on over!!! Hehehe
Got to put my new clothes in the closet and send off my old clothes to Goodwill today. That will make things a bit better as well.
Okay, off to do a few more things!!

1 comment:

Babyfro said...

Wow, you're making really awesome use of you time. I sure hope you and Mara have a great time during her visit!