Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Seattle Half Marathon

Yes Jeffery...the race was Sunday. You are correct.

I convinced my friend Heather to join me on the trek to Seattle, so I didn't have to go alone. I am so glad she decided to come, it was a ton of fun! We left Saturday morning, and headed up there. Got to the Hotel, valet parked my car, then we checked in. Got my race packet, and met another frined named Heather. She ran the Portland Marathon too, and we met before that race as well. It was nice to see her again.

In Seattle we did a little shopping, but mostly vegged in the host hotel room. It was a ton of fun, just relaxing in the Westin's Heavenly beds, and watching DVD's.

The next morning called for snow/rain mix, so I wasn't 100% I wanted to run, but I did. It was snowing in the early am, but not enough to stick, and it was more wet than anything. So, I got up, dressed, and forged my way to the start line. I had about a mile to walk to even get to the start line, but it was ok. Heather met me at the hotel in the morning, and we started the race together.

So, when I say Heather ran with me, it is the second Heather, not the first Heather that came to Seattle with me. The second Heather lives in the Seattle area. So, from here on out...Heather1 came with me, Heather 2 met me there!

Heather2 isn't much of a runner yet. She does the run/walk method, so it was abig deal to start running with me. She ran the first mile, then started walking, and I never saw her again. Oh well, she knew that would happen. It was nice just to have someone to start with. Thanks Heather2!!!

The run...well, it was really wet, and cold. Heather2 told me before the race to wear a garbage bag, to keep warmer and drier...so I did. It was a funny sight, but she was right, it was way warmer. It rained the whole time, and started down-pouring about mile 10. I called Hather1 and told her not to meet me at the finish. There was no point in both of us being drowned rats.

Overall, it was a good race. A good route, and I finished strong. I even feel I could have ran another 3-5 miles if I absolutely had to. Luckily I didn't have to. I was tired of the rain. But then again, I did have to trek back another mile to the hotel. So, really I did about 15 miles this weekend. Hehe!

Time: Finished in 2:43, which is pretty good for me this year. That is 12:30 pace. Not bad. Got a good shirt, sweatshirt, and cool medal. So I am happy. Next run for me is the Red-Nosed RUNdeer, on Dec 10th. Audrey wants to run that with me! Yeah! I will run the 10k at that race. I am excited to keep running now. I was starting to feel like I couldn't run distances anymore, but that race reminded me, my body likes to run, and it will remember no matter how much I try to forget!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on doing it even in the rain and snow! That's awesome.

jodi said...

Great job from another "garbage bag RN". It was pretty tough, those hill, slippery manhole covers, and puddles the size of small lakes. You have earned bragging rights...

Anonymous said...

That's my girl !!