Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just Kathleen

So, I went to the Oregon Hash House Harriers event last night. It was a TON of fun. Basically it is a co-ed fraternity.


But, I had fun just the same. So we started out at this hotel, and the hares left about ten minutes before we did to set the trail. Then we started off. We ran around the city, basically bar hopping. Apparently it is not always like that, last night was different. Last night was a "pick-up" hash. Which meant no one chose to be the hare ahead of time. So, they drew straws at the beginning, and the shortest was the hare. Audrey didn't want to be the hare, so we showed up later than 6:30, so she didn't have to partake in the drawing of the straws. I was a virgin, so I of course wouldn't ever be chosen.

We run around chasing the hare, and stop at these "beer checks", tonight was at bars. We had three bars that we stopped at total. It was fun. No pressure for us non-drinkers either, it was really cool. Then after about 15-20 mins, the hare is off again, and then so are we. Running to the next check point. At the end, there was even a boob-check. No one is allowed to go on, until someone shows their boobs. I got there just as the group was breaking up. Someone had shown their boobs already, so I didn't have to do it. :)

So, it was totally fun. It lasted about two hours, probably got about a 3-4 mile run in, with lots of stops in between. But that is ok, it was still a ton of fun. So...Just Kathleen. When you get there you are required to sign in, and you are "just whatever-your-name-is" until you have been to many hash's and they decide to name you. Most names are sexual or perverted in nature. So I am cool with being Just Kathleen. If you introduce yourself, you have to say "Just Kathleen", or if you have a name...then whatever that is. This group is a drinking group with a running problem. They tend to be professionals during the day, and just like to have fun at night. So, you are not allowed to talk about work, or what you do.

I met this cool guy. His name is Mystery Meat. He was hitting on me all night long. He was totally cute, so it was fun. His real name was Andy, he slipped that one in. At the end of the night, he had won a super cool Bangkok (? spelling) T-Shirt, and a second Hash T-shirt too. Well apparently, he already had one of those, so asked me my size, and gave that shirt to me. So it was super fun. I can't wait to go back again! They meet three times a week. The Wednesday group is called the Portland Humping Hash. I can't go next Wednesday, but I will try to go next Monday and Saturday. I guess most nights are more running, less bars/beer checks, and most nights only last about 1:00-1:15, vs the two hours we were out last night.

I will keep you posted on my future hashing nights. I am no longer a virgin, so I don't have to get re-initiated!!! Yes, I had an initiation last night. But, luckily you are allowed a proxy to drink for you, so I still didn't have to drink! Yeah!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun! I wanna go drinking - er, I mean running with you too!

Jeffrey said...

Drinking and boob shots almost make it worth running -- almost.

Anonymous said...

So, uh, you're talking about meeting a guy who was flirting with you. Still with Jeff?