Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I think I am gonna do it. The consensus is... do it!!

So, I am.

I did lots of thinking yesterday, did my research, talked it over with my mom. Basically...nothing is keeping me here. I can get out of my lease, very easily (for a fee, but easy) and make major $$ doing it.

So, when my recruiter calls today, I am gonna tell him to find me a job. It can really fast, or it can take a few weeks, just depends. But since I am open to going wherever....I bet it will happen quickly.

Couple things though. If I do go far away, I will fly. I don't want to have to just have my car sitting here. While I pay for insurance and the payments. So, I am thinking of just selling it. I can get a rental car at whatever assignment I go to (included), so why do I need to pay for a car that will just sit. I can't fly it, and it would be so much of a better option to fly vs driving cross country.

Second dilemma. Charlie. He is, well, destructive. I am afraid if I take him, he may ruin a few things that do not belong to me, and it may prove to be more expensive taking him with. I will have to pay a pet dep each place I go. I won't have a doggie sitter like I have here, and I will feel guilty if I want to leave and explore my new city. So, my mom suggests I give him to a good home, where he will have kids that play with him, and a yard to run in. Besides, it would be crazy expensive to fly with him, and I have no clue how he would do with that.

I really hate the idea of giving Charlie away, but he is ruining things of mine, and he frustrates me so. I do love him, but I think someone else will be able to provide better for him. I am not sure if I am trying to convince you of my new idea, or me. Oh well, it is just something that has to happen. Besides when I gave him to Steve last time (last February), I missed him terribly at the beginning. I continued to miss him, but I eventually saw that it was good not having him around. Only thing is....this time I need to give him away permanently, so I can't get him back. I will always love him, and some day I will get another dog. Good thing is though, I feel better about giving him away this time, than I did last time.

Okay, moving on. I don't know where my first assignment will be, but I will keep you all posted. The recruiter guy was really cool. We had an hour or so conversation...some about traveling, some about personal stuff. I think he was flirting with me a little. Funny, he knows nothing about me. Oh well, it was fun. He lives down in San Diego (where the main office is located), so he kept trying to sell that area to me. A place that might cool. I could be very close to LA and maybe go star gazing...that would be fun.

About running. While I am at it, I might as well confess a few things. I haven't been running. I really want to go, everyday I have off, I plan to go. I just never get out there. I am not sure if it is the weather or my lack of motivation. Ever since the marathon, I haven't wanted to run long distances again. I want to train for another marathon, but then I still remember how much it hurts, and how much work it is. Of course, I remember that when I train, I have a ton of fun and I feel good too, but the pain overshadows the fun. Maybe I need to wait some time before I start training for another I can forget what it feels like. I don't know. All I know is if I keep eating like I have been, and I keep not running....I will gain all that weight back. I lost 40 lbs total last year, and kept off 36 of them. I am very proud of that, and I plan to get another 25-30 off again this year.

I know what I need to do, I just NEED to do it! I need to get my mind back in major weight loss mode, and life changing mode. I need to exercise in one form or another on all my days off. I am not making this a New Years resolution, I really hate those. So, if I had to have a resolution, this year would be to stop complaining so much, and be more positive. I have failed so far this year, however, I am willing to keep trying until I get it right. So, starting now. I will be more positive, and stop complaining about things. Especially those I have no control over.

Okay, here goes.


Lacey said...

With your new change in life your blog could be a traveling nurse blog with fun antics from all over! BTW, You should definitely see the East Coast!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun adventure!

Jeffrey said...

It's a big step but it sounds so damn inviting.... I wish you all the best.

What a great chance to use your camera to document things for all of your friends and family -- and interested blog readers like me :)