Monday, February 19, 2007


Yesterday I was headed to my car to see if I could get out of the snow yet. I wanted to go out to get a card for mom, and something for my friend, as she is having a baby in March. I wasn't getting anywhere with the car situation. I am still stuck. This week it is supposed to be in the 40-50's with one day high of 61 I think, so it will melt, and soon I will be able to move again.

Back to my story. Well, Hospital called and asked if I was able to do a transport. NOt quite sure what that meant, I said sure. She told me that someone in ER needed to be transported to a hospital in Baltimore, and they needed a Critical Care Nurse to ride with...just in case something happened.

So, I arrived at the hospital and met my patient. She is fairly young, and came in with chest pain. I think because of her insurance, she needed to go there. She needed to have a cardiac catheterization done on her heart, to see if/where a blockage was, and to hopefully fix it.

I had a non-eventful ride with my patient. I, on the other hand, didn't. There was a few times I got the icky feeling of "motion sickness". I felt bad for the paramedic in the cab, because he basicly now had two patients on his hands. I was riding in the back, on the side of the ambulance, and I could see out the front window, but all I could see is the side of the road rushing past. It was a very bumpy ride, and the wind was making the cab swerve. So, I think my motion sickness was well deserved. I don't think that is the word I am looking for, but you get my drift.

I switched places with the medic, so I could sit above the patient, and face forward. After that, smooth sailing. Didn't have any problems. Then on the way back, I sat up front and had a great conversation with the EMT. He is in nursing school, so we had a lot to talk about. He was really nice and very easy to talk to, so it was cool.

Overall, I got about 5 hours of extra work in yesterday, so that was cool. If I pick up an extra shift this week, then I will get some overtime. I like overtime. I don't like working for it, but it has to be done. I figure while it is icky, cold, and wet outside, I might as well work some extra shifts now, that way when I want to go play....I have some extra money. Sweet.


Anonymous said...

That darn "motion sickness".
Good thing you didn't throw-up on your patient.

Anonymous said...

Any dates with a certain nursing student, EMT lined up?

Anonymous said...

Good call Zoe! I like your way of thinking!

Kathleen said...

Sorry to disappoint you both, but he was married, and "not my type". But he was really nice. I am sure his wife loves him bunches.

Brandi said...

I think the word you were searching for is "justified" and I hate sitting in the back! I get sick too :)

Kathleen said...

I agree was justified. Thanks. Oh, and btw...I can't read your blog anymore since you have it blocked out. I would love to keep reading if you will let me....