Saturday, June 10, 2006

This is how it went...

I was feeling really good today. I got there, it was a really nice stadium, and there were tons of people there. I went and got my packet. I didn't have time to get my packet yesterday, since I worked all day.

So, I got #1773 packet (that's me). I went and sat down on the astroturf and pinned on my number, and twistie-tied my timing chip to my shoe.

Then started walking around, seeing if I could spy my running friend Darla. Low and behold a small crowd moved out of the way, and there she was. I wasn't sure I would be able to find, but I am sooo glad I did.

We had a group warm-up. Never done that at a marathon before, but it was cool. then we were off to the start line. The finish line was in the stadium, but we started out on the street.

We started late, what doesn't start late these days. And we were in the middle, but the front middle of the group. I didn't want to start too far back. I figure people are gonna pass me anyway, and we will be in the back eventually, at least start out kind of near the front. So we did.

Started off slow, it was a nice run. The scenery was amazing. Beautiful colors, all countryside back roads.

Hills. Yes there were hills. This race is famous for having them, and this year was no different. First 2-3 miles, not really any. Then, mile 3-5 rolling hills with a big one. Then a really big long downhill. Which is always a nice change of pace.

I personally didin't think the hills were that bad. I have ran plenty other races with bigger/more hills. Not that I wanted bigger/more. I had fun with the ones I did get today.

Darla walked up the hills, but the downhill she flew. For me, I don't like wasting my energy on the downhills, since it is easy to do, so I lost her a few times. Which is fine. I cought back up, then lost her again, then caught back up. Then, finally lost her for good at about mile 9. It was cool. I found someone to run with at about mile 11.

Her name was Nancy. Matter of fact, earlier in the race, she even told me I was an inspiration to her since I ran all the way up the hills without stopping. I actually made it through the whole race without stopping or walking once. I am so happy about that.

So, my finish. I was slow, but I made my goal 1) of finishing, and 2) under 3 hours. I just barely made it. I think my time was around 2 hrs 56 or 57 mins. I don't have an official time yet. That is just by my clock. But who cares. I finished, and am living to tell the tale afterward. That is the most important part!

Also got a cool medal and Tshirt to commemorate the event. I may or may not get a good pic, I will have to wait to see if I was in one of the pictures the camera guy took.

Overall, I had fun. One of the best half marathons ever, and I will definetely do it again next year.


Jeffrey said...

(insert applause here)

I don't know how you do it. I've never been in that kind of shape. Played football (lineman) through high school, nothing in college and now..... I couldn't run a mile if you paid me ... much less a half-marathon or marathon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Kathleen!! I'm sorry I didn't call to wish you good luck - didn't remember it was coming up so soon. Bad friend I am. I'm so happy to hear you finished in the time you were hoping for. You rock!